Account Transfer Form (ACAT)
An Account Transfer Form (ACAT Form) is typically used to transfer an entire account (including cash and securities) from another broker to your new AutoShares Brokerage Account. You may also use an Account Transfer Form to initiate PARTIAL transfers of Cash and/or Securities.
Please sign and complete the Account Transfer Form below and return it to us along with your New Account Paperwork. Make sure to include a copy of your most recent monthly statement from the transferring broker. You may also fax us a copy of the forms to us so we can initiate your transfer. (Account transfers can take approximately 3-7 business days depending on the delivering broker) You can email your documents to [email protected] or upload the form.
The account transfer form requests the following:
1- When the form asks for information about your account held with us, list your name, account #, and the account holder address you submitted on your application. You do not need to list the " broker clearing number". The broker clearing number will be completed by the clearing firm.
2- Information about the account held with your current broker (the delivering broker) including the account name, account number, and address of the delivering broker (the firm you are transferring from).
Please include a copy of your most recent statement for processing.